Goal-shattering sales can lift your firm to a market leading position – period! Looking internally, here at Tandem ITS, we recognize that we have deep subject matter expertise in both Sales and Customer Service. We have our own internal process we use but they may not necessarily be a fit for you. That’s OK because as Sales and Customer Service consultants we will LISTEN….. and better understand what’s working and what’s not. From there we will assemble and present analysis and recommendations. You better believe we will follow-up because that is Sales 101. There will be a small retainer fee but Tandem will only invoice based on your success over an agreed upon time frame!

Below, is a possible approach:

  • Customer Service IPR (Internal Process Review)
  • An IPR, is per­fect for sit­u­a­tions where you might need to:
    – Diag­nose per­for­mance gaps so you can take mea­sures to address them
    – Cal­i­brate the uni­for­mity of agents’ per­for­mance so your cus­tomers get a con­sis­tent experience
    – Move your team’s per­for­mance from good to great
    – Moti­vate agents to make changes that can dra­mat­i­cally improve the qual­ity of their calls.

Performance Assessment

A mem­ber of our Per­for­mance Assess­ment Team will eval­u­ate your cus­tomer ser­vice, sales, or tech­ni­cal sup­port agents’ abil­ity to:

  • Make a strong and pos­i­tive con­nec­tion with customers
  • Demon­strate pro­fes­sion­al­ism and build loyalty
  • Effi­ciently han­dle calls and pro­mote timely call resolution
  • Cross-selling and up-selling
  • Create that great “first impression”

Follow-up Coaching (for example – after lis­tening to 3–5 calls, we’ll spend time with each agent giv­ing per­son­al­ized coach­ing so agents feel great about the areas in which they’re per­form­ing well, and under­stand how to improve in the areas where improve­ment is needed).

Several independent studies show that focused and committed-to sales consulting and follow-up training results in somewhere between a 5 and 10% KPI (key performance Indicator) increase in the areas being improved upon and measured.

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