Step 1

Of course your servers are backed-up, correct?! Tandem ITS also strongly recommends you have a Business Continuity Plan in place as one of your IT Department’s key considerations! Having said that, we follow the inustry’s current best practices without exception!

Step 2

In the Event of a Disaster, Your Data is Restored! Tandem ITS gives its clients the option to automatically backup its eMail/Files/Disks with the frequency it chooses (monthly, weekly, daily, real-time). All data is backed up to an appliance, which is issued with our BDR service. Tandem ITS can rapidly restore a failed server into the BDR appliance’s virtualized environment until the server hardware is repaired or replaced. This results in your business-critical applications back up and running in hours, and sometimes minutes. The mundane task of recovering deleted, corrupted or overwritten files and emails now becomes greatly simplified.

Step 3

Security Security Security! It is an important to note that our client’s data will always be stored in encrypted form and is encrypted again using SSL as it is sent offsite. Additionally, backup data is compressed before sending offsite to save valuable network bandwidth.

Step 4

In the event of a Catastrophic occurance, Tandem ITS will store the latest backed-up image of each server in three geographically diverse data centers so we can recover your data and deliver it to the new servers even in the event of fire, theft or natural disaster

Step 5

Qaulity is managed and ensured! Since Tandem ITS is a Managed Services company we certainly ensure the successful backup job on each image to ensure your data can be restored when needed.

A Business Continuity Plan is the “compass” for how businesses plan to survive everything from an on premise server failure to Armageddon. BCP is a challenging activity and organization of all sizes faulter at least in some areas with their plans. Unfortunately the typical SMB does not have the internal IT resources needed to construct a comprehensive BCP, resulting in massive exposure!

  • 93% of companies that lost their data for 10 days or more filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster, and 50% filed for bankruptcy immediately. -National Archives & Records Administration
  • 20% of small to medium businesses will suffer a major disaster causing loss of critical data every 5 years. -Richmond House Group
  • 70% of business people have experienced (or will experience) data loss due to accidental deletion, disk or system failure, viruses, fire or some other disaster -c|net

Along with a DRP, let Tandem ITS work with your organization to build an impregnable DRP and BDR plan. We use industry leading standards, best practices and we, of course, we will test it!

May we get back to you?